Everywhere we go in the modern world we are surrounded by messages, communicated to us at every turn, whether at home, in the street, or shopping. Therefore, they say how you get your meaning across is as important as what you’re trying to say: in other words, the medium is the message.
That’s why we’re so excited about our newest product: the Wi-Poster. This combines the latest in E Ink technology, Spectra 6, with AirCord, our groundbreaking system that sends power wirelessly, at a distance. And yes, this is, for those who might be unsure, a real thing: and it’s totally safe and already deployed in several products.
Wi-Poster: the color E Ink display
Available in 13in or 40in diameter frames, the Wi-Poster uses E Ink Spectra 6 technology, an evolution of the monochrome displays used in eBook readers only now, everything is in vivid color.
The Wi-Poster is also lighter and more portable than conventional displays and thanks to Gorilla Glass they are also tough — perfect for a busy trade show, a bustling train station, or a financial institution.
Ditch the Cable
Digital signage products are designed to present messages for extended periods and are a great way to make a retail store feel trendy, a restaurant cool, or a supermarket more interesting.
Typically, these are LCDs, which are relatively heavy and power-hungry — and the only way to feed them power is via a cord. That means you must spend time and effort getting power to wherever you think the displays should be, and if you want to move them later you are constrained by the length of the power cord.
What if there was a way to display high-quality, full-color images free from the restrictions of a power cable or without the need to charge up or replace batteries?
Full-Color Messaging
While color E Ink displays have been around for a while the latest generation tech, Spectra 6, delivers a wider color gamut and improved accuracy. This is in addition to E Ink's inherent benefits over regular LCD, namely easier readability in sunlight and low power consumption.
The picture quality is excellent, offering fine detail and color richness to make the most of your imagery. What’s more, you can even choose a double-sided version — try doing that with an LCD display!
Look Ma, No Wires!
The Wi-Poster is a perfect fit for our AirCord technology, which sends energy from transmitters connected to the mains power supply to up to eight receiving devices at once at distances up to 10 meters. While the energy is sent in a highly efficient direct beam, the receiver can be anywhere in a 90° cone, so, effectively, you can put it wherever you want! Even the larger 40-inch frame is light and easy to maneuver on a wheeled frame.
Naturally, the tech is completely safe. It uses the same infra-red technology found in remote controls and cordless computer mice and has been fully ratified by all major certification bodies around the world.
Easy To Install, Easy To Update
The upshot is that you have incredible freedom as to where you want to place your Wi-Poster, so you can get your message out exactly where it needs to be seen, without having to worry about power, and you can change the messaging as many times as you want.
Indeed, experts say that digital signage is most effective when the visuals are updated frequently to keep audiences engaged. Thanks to built-in Wi-Fi and our cloud-based management system it’s easy to update the text and images as often as needed.
This could be useful in many scenarios for many industries. For example, a café or restaurant could have their menu updated automatically throughout the day, financial institutions could show the latest numbers or offers, and transit hubs could show the latest travel information – all on displays that are clearer to read and easier to move about. They are also more power efficient than traditional LCDs, which in the long-term will reduce your energy costs.
If you want to know more details about it, or one of our other products, or even talk to us about how you can integrate AirCord into your product, then feel free to get in touch now.